
Average salary grant writer nonprofit
Average salary grant writer nonprofit

average salary grant writer nonprofit

When you become a grant writer, you may work full time for a specific organization or may freelance and work with multiple organizations that provide a variety of services and serve a variety of groups.ĭepending on the specific position and/or the needs of the organization, a grant writer may also be responsible for grant research which includes finding potential funders to support specific projects, programs, or services.Ī grant writer must become familiar with funding opportunities in specific locations or that fund specific types of work.įunding opportunities may be provided by private foundations, government entities (city, county, state, federal), or corporations such as Wells Fargo or Walmart. Recipients of grant funds are typically non-profit or government organizations, but this can vary. The types of programs and projects for which you are seeking funding may include environmental education, community development, low-income housing, and more. Learn more about our grant writing services here.A grant writer assists organizations and businesses in obtaining funds from foundations, corporations, and possibly government entities to support various programs and projects. Here’s a look at how grant writer fees work.


Great question! At Professional Grant Writers, we work by an hourly rate. In summary, it’s important to pay a grant writer what they’re worth, regardless of the outcome of the grant. There are too many factors to say, “Our writing has directly resulted in X percentage of funded grants.” Success rates are largely out of our control. In fact, we do not even track grant success rates for these reasons. Competing organizations, funder whims and connections, you name it -there’s much more to it than simple grant writing. Next, there are many things happening behind the scenes at a foundation or corporation that are also out of the grant writer’s control.

average salary grant writer nonprofit average salary grant writer nonprofit

The grant writer can emphasize these things in a grant, but ultimately cannot control them. First, the organization must be well organized, effective, and successful. And most of them are well beyond a grant writer’s control or influence. Grantmakers decline to fund grants for many reasons. You’re paying them for that content, rather than for the outcome of the grant. That’s because they’ve put the time in to developing content that reflects your organization’s strengths and successes. Nonprofits should pay good, experienced grant writers for their high-quality work regardless of the grant’s outcome. They will not allow you to add a grant writer’s commission as part of your grant budget, and they will bar your organization from giving out part of their award as payment. First, grantmakers do not want to fund your fundraising activities, and grant writing falls under that category. Grant writers should not work on commission for several reasons. What percentage does a grant writer get paid? Two professional organizations, the Association of Fundraising Professionals and the Grant Professionals Association, bar grant writers from taking a percentage of the grant, also known as working on commission. The answer is fairly straightforward: zero. Nonprofits that are newer to grant writing may ask: What percentage does a grant writer get paid? What they’re really asking is, what is the cut, or commission, a grant writer takes from an awarded grant?

Average salary grant writer nonprofit